Noleggio con conducente

Noleggio auto con autista privato. La comodita' e il lusso di un'auto personale.

Taxi services

Il nostro servizio Taxi offre professionalita', competenza e affidabilita', per corse urbane ed extra urbane.

Escursioni in Sicilia

Servizio turistico verso tutte le localita' che avete programmato di visitare.


Prova l'emozione di arrivare in chiesa con una auto di lusso. Il noleggio permette di poter scegliere tra molti modelli di auto.

VIP car

Puntualita' e sicurezza, a bordo di autovetture con autista, che permetteranno di raggiungere con tranquillita' la destinazione prestabilita.


Da e Per i maggiori aeroporti di Sicilia (Catania, Palermo, Comiso, Trapani)

Privacy policy

Informations according to the law decree 196/2003

Autoservizi Parlatore draft all the personal data of the own customers of the services offers in the portal in the full respect of previewed how much from the Italian national norm in matter of privacy and, in particular of D. Lgs. 196/03.

The holder of the treatment of the data is Autoservizi Parlatore that will be able to use them for all the purposes characterized in the informative one. In occasion of the subscription of several the services or the access to the same ones they will come communicates the name ones to you you of ulterior the eventual Holders and the Responsibles of the treatment.

Using the present services on the portal and/or manifesting the consent to the recording who is annoying in the situated one guarantees that the personal data eventually supplied to Autoservizi Parlatore are correct, veritieri and dawns to you. It is engaged, moreover, to modernize the data timely records to you so that these are constantly dawn to you, complete and real.

Scope of Application

When you enjoy reservation online, you will be required to fill in personal registration information, included name, address, email, telephone and so on. Please protect your account and password.
When you use online services, or access the web, the site will automatically receives and records of your browser and your computer information, including but not limited to, your IP address, browser type, the use of language, date and time of access and your needs web logs and other data.
You understand and agree that the following information is not applicable to this Privacy Notice.

Information Use

The site will not be provided, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless prior your permission, or the third party and our company either alone or together to provide you with services, and after the end of the service, it will be prohibited access including its previously able to access all these information.
The site also does not allow any third party by any means to collect, edit, sell or gratuitous dissemination of your personal information. The person who is engaged in the above activities, once discovered, our company has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user.
For the purposes to service users, we maybe possible through the use of your personal information, to provide the information you will be interested in, including but not limited to, send you a product and service information or promotion goods to enjoy a pleasure shopping here.

Information Disclosure

In the following cases, the site will be based on your personal wishes or the provisions of the law, all or part of the disclosure of your personal information:
With your prior consent, disclosure to third parties;
According to the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of the administrative or judicial bodies, to be disclosed to a third party or the executive, the judiciary organ;
If you are a violation of the relevant laws, regulations or service agreement or rules, need to be disclosed to a third party;
To provide the products and services you require, but must be shared with third parties your personal information;
Other in accordance with the law, regulations or website policy thinks appropriate disclosure.

Storage and Exchange Information

The collection about your information and data will be save on the site and (or) its associated with the company's servers, such information and materials may transfer to your country, region or overseas is access, storage and display.
In case you do not refuse to accept cookies, the site will set on your computer or access to cookies, so that you can log in, or use the services or functionality relies on cookies. The site use cookies to provide you with a more thoughtful personalized service, including extension services.
You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying the browser settings. However, if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use the services or functionality relies on cookies.

Information Security

The site has security protection feature, please take good care of your account and password information. The site will backup to another server, the user password encryption and other security measures to ensure that your information is not lost, not be abused or altered. Despite the security measures, but also please pays attention to the network information that does not exist the perfect security measures.
Please properly protect your personal information to others only in necessary cases. If you find a leak of the personal information, especially your account or paypal account and password, please immediately contact customer service, in order to take corresponding measures.

Special Note for Minors

If you do not have the full capacity for civil rights and full civil capacity of natural persons, you do not have permission to use the online services; we hope that you do not provide any personal information to us. Under the age of 16 you can enjoy the service with your guardian.

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